Platinum Curved Stairlifts supplied by Assured Stairlifts: £please call for prices
We are specialists in Straight and Curved Stairlifts, either New or Reconditioned, best prices guaranteed.
The Platinum Curve has been specifically designed to be very versatile and capable of fitting snugly and unobtrusively to almost any staircase. In most cases they are fitted to the stair-treads rather than the wall, so there is no building mess or damage to your décor.
A stairlift is a functioning appliance, but that does not mean it needs to look industrial. The Platinum Curve has been designed as a piece of modern furniture, to blend subtly into your home. Coupled with a gentle operation, making it an attractive addition to any household.

When not in use it can be folded away and with its slim profile will not obstruct the stairway for use by other people. To ensure the right fit, trained advisors will visit your home by appointment. They will consult, survey and assess the most appropriate solution for your specific needs and circumstances.
Comfort and Safety
There are many differing needs and requirements for people wanting a stairlift, but invariably comfort and safety are always two of them. For your comfort the Platinum Curve incorporates an PDMC motor to ensure a smooth and gentle ride and the twin rail mechanical levelling system provides for a gentler and steadier travel on turns and corners. In addition the seat is ergonomically styled and incorporates plump padding and cushioning.
For safety the lift comes with a retractable, car style, seatbelt as standard and the seat can swivel away making it easier for you getting off at the top of the stairs. The footrest and carriage incorporate a number of pressure sensitive safety edges that stop the lift instantly should it come into contact with any obstructions. The motor has a special inbuilt safety brake that will slow the lift and prevent it from travelling too fast on decent. The unit also comes with a key-switch to prevent unauthorised use by visitors and young children.